Check and Improve Your Password

Is your password at risk? Check now and generate a strong one in seconds.
We do not collect or store your passwords. Learn more

Your password is strong
Time to change your password
Don't wait - change your password now
Generate secure one?
Kaspersky Password Manager
Save your passwords in extra-secured vault
Synch data across your devices
Autofill forms
Available at Windows, Mac, Android and iOS
Try now
Encrypted Vault
Stores sensitive data in a hacker-proof vault fortified by AES-256 encryption
Autofills login fields and shopping forms – in browsers and apps – for convenient and seamless experiences
Stores 2FA keys and secures them with the latest encryption algorithms and refreshes them im real-time
Document Manager
Scans and digitizes ID’s and docs in seconds, including passport, driver's license and medical records

What is password brute-forcing?

Trying out all possible combinations of characters until the “correct answer” is found.
This process can take a very long time, so dictionaries and lists of common passwords like “qwerty” or “123456” are usually used.

How do we check leaked password databases?

We use Have I Been Pwned, a reputable service that collects information about account and password leaks.